Terça-Feira, 17 de Setembro de 2024
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Autor: Pedro Gomes da Cruz, Patricia Menezes Santos, José Ricardo Macedo Pezzopane, Patrícia Perondi Anchão Oliveira e Leandro Coelho de Araujo
Ano de pubicação: 2011
Arquivo para download:

This component project has as its central themes the evaluation, adaptation and representation of mathematical models to estimate the balance of GHG in the various biophysical processes that occur in livestock production systems.

This project investigates conceptual advances in methane diagnosis and mitigation strategies for ruminants in Brazil. Mitigation strategies involving improvements in livestock systems and feed practices are tested.

This project integrates data generated in the research projects related to the six main Brazilian biomes and respective production systems. It is responsible for organizing, processing, storing and delivering data on GHG emissions, carbon balance and related information. It also guarantees controlled access and replication of data.

This project applies geotechnologies to elucidate cause-effect relationships in animal husbandry and processes involved in green-house gases (GHG) dynamics, generating information which might provide subsidies for economic and environmental sustainable management decisions.

Pecus Economy started with mapping the main regions of animal production in Brazil to identify and describe the most important production systems in these areas, specifying the operations involved, technical coefficients, inputs, machinery and equipments, labor, cultures and other variables necessary to calculate production costs.

The indigenous word caatinga, meaning "white woods", traditionally refers to the natural landscape of the Brazilian northern backlands, an important semi-arid area in a country with a predominant humid and sub-humid tropical climate. The caatinga climate is very hot and prolonged cyclical droughts exert strong influence over the region's hydrology, flora, fauna and socio-economy.

The Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna) biome is the second larger in Brazil. The dominant climate is sub-humid hot tropical with two well defined, dry and rainy, seasons. Precipitation varies between 600 and 2,200 mm, for areas boarding the Caatinga (semi-arid) and Amazon biomes, respectively. Average annual temperatures vary from 22o to 27o C, according to altitude and susceptibility to cold air fronts.

The Pampa (southern prairies) biome covers the southern half of Rio Grande do Sul state and constitutes the Brazilian part of South-American Pampas which extend into Uruguayan and Argentinean territories. Pampas are classified as Estepe by the International phytogeographical system, been characterized by a rainy climate, without systematic dry periods but marked by frequent below freezing temperatures in winter.

The Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) originally covered approximately 15% of the Brazilian territory. It comprehends a complex environment which incorporates mountain ranges, plateaus, valleys and plains of the entire Atlantic coastal region of Brazil. At the southeast region it expands westwards reaching the borders with Paraguay and Argentina.