The Amazon basin has the biggest hydrographic system in the planet. The area covered by this basin corresponds to five percent of the earth surface, 2/5 of South America and 50% of the Brazilian territory. Sixty percent of the Amazon basin, which drains about 1/5 of the world's sweet water, are in Brazil. The average temperature is around 25oC, with torrential rains distributed all year around. The geomorphology in the Amazon biome is diverse, with plateaus, plains and depressions.
Autor: | EspirÃto Santo, Ernani do |
Ano de pubicação: | 2013 |
Arquivo para download: |
The Pantanal (Brazilian wet lands) biome is located at the High Paraguai River basin, in the center/west region of Brazil. It is the largest wetlands in the world with an estimated area of 240,000 square kilometers (60% in Brazil). The Pantanal plain is located at 80 to 150 m above sea level and declivity is almost null, its soils have low permeability and there is only one spillway, the Paraguai River. These characteristics cause the Pantanal to become a huge flooded area, every year after some months of rain.
This project involves technical, financial and knowledge management of the whole PECUS network. The objective is to assure that results relative to the fluxes of GHG and carbon sequestration are produced using MRV methods – IPCC (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification), by means of standardization and systematization of the scientific procedures used to evaluate the different production systems in the main Brazilian biomes. It also provides capacity building and advisory to research teams on the methodologies used in the project.
Integrated and multidisciplinary teams committed to the development of sustainable animal production systems