Sábado, 15 de Fevereiro de 2025
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Prospects based on the production chain
The PECUS network integrates several Embrapa research units, universities and other national and international research institutions and is financially supported by official research development agencies and private institutions.
PECUS research projects aims to evaluate the balance between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and CO2 sinks (sequestration) in various animal production systems in the main Brazilian biomes.
The diverse processes associated with GHG emission and mitigation are being evaluated according to previously agreed, standard research protocols that take into account the soil-plant-animal-atmosphere interfaces. The purpose is to generate the carbon balance of improved production systems, as compared with traditional grazing systems and native vegetation.
Both extensive and intensive pasture production systems are being evaluated, including integrated cropping-animal, silvipastoral and agrosilvopastoral systems, as well as confined production of cattle, swine, and fowl. Production of buffalo, goat and sheep, and treatment of animal wastes are also studied.
The information obtained is being stored in an organized, integrated and systematized form, to allow biophysical modeling, socioeconomic and geostatistical studies, as well as joint analysis of research outcomes and prospective studies.